Tuesday 3 April 2012

Exploring the Elgin Valley

Oh what to write about this past weekend... Well we explored, and then explored some more.

Spending our weeks - monday to friday on or around the farm, it is easy to forget what a beautiful part of the country we are in. Surronded by orchards, mountains, valleys and vines- we decided to stay local this weekend and discover what the Elgin Valley has to offer.

Attempting to to go for a walk around Rockview dam. We drove through huge cast iron gates with spikes on top, past a stop sign and over a sleeping police man- only to come to the conclusion that maybe we shouldn't be down this 'private' road. Our hopes of a leisurely walk fade, as we drive up the N2 towards a craft market i think i spotted a week or to ago. Success, i really did see it.  

At the top of a look our, a family had set up their craft stool for the day. They lay the ground with beautiful wooden carvings, beads and much more. As we browse what is on sale, the crafts men encourage us to buy their goods. Im getting the hang of bartering now, and actually quite enjoy it. Why pay the asking price when you know you can easily get it for much less. I barter away, as i buy a few gifts to send home. 

From here we drive, back towards Grabouw. Further into the Elgin Valley, as we drive we are amazed at how South African scenery looks like so many different countries all combined together- Australia, Scotland, England and Italy. 

Retracing some roads Jess and I have already driven, we make our way to 'Apple Creek'

We walk, in amongst the apple trees for a while in the mid morning sun, before all feeling the need for a cold, refreshing 'Appeltiser'. In efforts to lighten our purses we pay totally out of coins.

Next we are off in the opposite direction, for yet more exploring. Determined to go for a walk, Grace and I are convinced we can walk at the top of this track, which windes through Grabouw Forestry Commission. Who knows where it goes, but there are no sign to say 'Trespassers will be prosecuted', so it must be ok.  We continue to drive, and look out the windows at the views. Once at the top we realsise we have driven to some private wineries, oh well - it was a lovely drive. 

Having spent the whole day exploring, still desperate to go for a walk, we give in for today. Sunday thankfully lead us on a walk up some near by hills. 

Recently i have been started to get itchy feet. Maybe its because i was in bed for a week, combined with the fact that it is school holidays; so we aren't running afternoon sports, and maybe i am adjusting to living on a gated farm. Nevertheless, i want to explore by foot, and walk the beautiful landscape around me. Sunday is here and with a nod OK, we pack a rucksack, put on our hiking boots, suncream and shorts and set out the automatic gates. 

Jess, Grace and I have great plans to walk up the pilon hill, until i see out the corner of my eye that Raffabikki, 'Bikki' the farms dog is following us up the track. He is an old dog, and we are on the wrong track, so our route changes.  We walk and clamber over rocks up to the top of a tree covered hill. I think we are climbing up an area used for tree felling, but as we look back; down what we have just climbed the view is breath taking. 

With views of Grabouw, we sit on a rock and eat our packed lunch. Before wondering home, to spend the afternoon in the sun, reading our books. 

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